Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spiritual Calling - Nursing Your Path, Nurturing Your Destiny - Part Three

What is spirituality? What is meant by enlightenment? What are the spirit guides or messengers? Is it possible to take an active part of one's spiritual journey? What is understood under the care of your time, nurturing their fate?

believing in spirituality is believing that you are God in the making. Knowing that all life is in relation to the sacred, not secular ideals, is the beginning of spiritual beings. In terms of quantum physics and mechanics, you have to acknowledge the quantum self, quantum ocean, and cultivate the powers of the brain.

recognize your mind's ability to take you to a higher level of existence, where you'll find a deeper understanding of the world. Ask questions, Why am I here? What is my purpose? How do I change my life for the better? Live the mystery and not in the know. When it changes their perspective, they are said to be enlightened.

He put his asset management, software, or supervise their way with care and devotion. Nurturing your destiny gives support and encouragement for life's goals. This ultimately ensures a legacy that future generations will be proud of and benefit from.

My spiritual journey began in spring 1988 in the year of thirteen months. It's more of an awareness that something very special happens. I now know that my journey began long before the existence and the spirit of the water played a major role. I decided to drive 2,000 miles from California to Minnesota for a Pink Floyd concert of May 1988.

It was the summer of 1991, and after seeing the movie "Field of Dreams", my life will forever be promijenjen.Film about the Iowa farmer who built a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield. Shoeless Joe Jackson and other players are long deceased appeared to play baseball in his field:

In 1988 I was in Dubuque, Iowa just a few hours from the Minnesota state line. Eating breakfast and reading the box scores Pro Baseball games played the day before, I had an Epiphany. It became pretty clear to me that I drive to Chicago and Detroit to watch Cubs, White Sox and Tigers play baseball.

Since then I have accepted the spirit of the conductors under the influence of this decision. We all have spirit guides and they are with you from day one. Some of us have several. They are messengers, teachers, healers I. My spirit guides told me long ago I was a healer and will always be a healer.

If you keep an open heart and open mind to guide you to cultivate relationships with them that will last for eternity. Do not be afraid to talk to them and more importantly, do not be afraid to ask them questions. They will hear and answer.

Spirit guides will never mislead you, because they only do what is right and good for you. They always have your back. They were literally in the Roadmap for your spiritual journey. At a time when you are ready, they can communicate with you my spiritual calling.

On my way to Chicago I stopped in Galena, Illinois, because I was advertised as the childhood home of our 18th President Ulysses S. Grant. I toured his home town and I found it interesting that a movie about baseball shoes Joe Jackson was shot there.

Fast Forward 1988 - 1991. I just got back from vacation east coast. One of the highlights of the trip was attending the Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park.

They played the Oakland Athletics and I sat with the first base line a few lines above.

In the film, Kevin Costner (Ray Cansela) and James Earl Jones (Terrance Mann) attend a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. They sit along the first base line a few lines and Sox play the Oakland Athletics.

As I watched the movie "Field of Dreams" I came to understand that the film which was shot in Galena, Illinois three years ago. Galena is portrayed as Chisolm, Minnesota in the film.

That was then and there I realized that my spirit leads me to take exactly where I should go on both occasions, Galena in 1988 and Boston in 1991. What are the reasons? What is the message? What happened here?

In the film Ray Cansela had problems with his dad. When he heard voices in his cornfield said "Build it and he will come", said he did. He constructed a baseball field and his dad došao.Glas said: "Ease his pain." It seems that as he did well to play catch with his dad and his dad for introducing his daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

I had a problem with tatom.Poruka I got from the film that I needed to deal with problems. I needed answers to questions that haunted me in my life and dreams. Over the next two years I took every opportunity to talk with my dad.

I asked questions that I need to answer for. I decided my problems, thanks to this film. When my dad died in 1994, my mother asked me to do my eulogy. If I had not resolved my issues, I would not have been able to meet this demand.

Can you truthfully say this was a spiritual experience allowed my spirit guide? I believe that the spirit guides have been instrumental in the care of my way and I still cherish their fate.

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