Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Improve the Most Efficiently in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Something I've come to realize that being a good instructor is something that a lot of people who have no school work. No matter how skilled they are, or their achievements, teaching is a whole different ballgame.

Teaching techniques random day, and then tells the students that the swing is not good upute.Ljudi who succeed in this type of course you have not done in spite of instruction. They May or May not understand how to continuously improve effective by itself.

The most important thing to understand, in my opinion, has a context to learn the material. Simply put, there is a plan and program that I came to realize that it provides the most effective learning for students. I did not arbitrarily choose the order btw, this is strictly from analysis of their progress and struggle from day one, and comparing students who advanced quickly to those who are not side by side.

It starts with the worst case scenario (which is also 90% + of the reasons why new people are losing), gradually learning the next logical part of the game.

1) Escapes (from any position to condemn). The goal here is to cover how to get to half guard from every position. Why do half of the guard? Because in terms of worst-case scenario, half guard is the next best thing, one point above the position where he passed most of the white belts branič.Velika losing games not because they do not know the latest filing, or rubber guard, but because they absolutely suck at escape . Preventing guard passes also falls into this category. I feel that every white belt who just starts to focus a huge amount (metric tons of absolute crap) just time to escape, rather than taking your half guard pass.

2) wins - Once you have mastered flight, usually the next thing is to learn to get on top of an opponent. Sweeps starting from half guard, and then open guard / butterfly / variants on the defensive end a lot to be learned. It is at this stage that most people get their blue belts. Since the flight is no longer a problem, the focus should move to win. There should be a crap about working on the latest filing, or practicing the latest guard to go quite yet. It is good to learn something from every position, but 90% of the focus in education should be paid to become a threat from various forms of the guard.

3) guard passing / takedowns - After sweeping the firm, against the majority of the people of the same rank, taking on the top should not be a problem više.Sweeps should be so good that you almost all you roll threatened to some degree . At this point, the guard goes to the technical development. It is likely that in the tournament (assuming that the person has reached this point), most likely cause of the loss can not be achieved takedown request, or not being able to pass the guard. And yes, good guard passing means that you're already working on not getting swept. After the right pressure from the top of the visual arts and the development of the takedowns will increase the amount of games won much more than learning anything else at this point.

4) Maintaining a good position / Transit - It is also a point which is kind of neglected to treningu.Najvišu level athletes have the best / fastest crossing between a good position to another. So, to succeed in the tournament, you want to try to emulate it. and taking people back quicker than a turtle, such as defending the guard pass. Usually, as opponents get better and better in tournaments, fast transitions and a solid ability to maintain a good position to make or break matches.

5) Submissions - Finally, the pleadings. Not that you should not invest every time so far on the submissions, but the focus should be something basic to here. Submissions of all positions should be practiced. Assuming that all of the above have been mastered, having excellent submarines from everywhere to end the game plan, and I'm pretty sure it is from my experience when this is achieved, the black belt level is also postignut.Sposobnost to finish games and really punish the opponent making a mistake, or not being able to impose his game really separates the elite black belt competitor from not as skilled competitors.

So this is not the end-all be all that obvious, but at least from my point of view it was more or less the most accurate picture quickest way to improve in BJJ.

Finally, another point I would like to mention is

plays a big guy vs. little guy plays

Being a little guy I am, there have been many times where I've lost someone who is more mat time, far less than me. Yes, it's frustrating, but in the past 6 + years, I learned a very valuable lesson, namely that:. There are two different types of game plans that everyone should learn

Yes. One for people who are bigger than you, and one for people who are the same size or smaller.

an absolutely perfect example of someone who plays the way he should against a larger opponent is Marcelo Garcia.

The main point in this game plan for larger people, is that when you are on the bottom, to severely restrict the movements to do to those that do not allow larger type to put any weight directly to you. That means no normal half guard, without a deep underhook, not flat on your back. There must be something to frame the top guy (forearm on his neck and leg on his side, your bow hook, nothing), but the weight must be isključeno.Napadi they get very aggressive over the arm pull, one foot, head lock / snap down getting back, leg lock, or standing back up.

the big guys who are just as skilled as you will most likely win. So the point is to be so skilled at this game, matching the skill is not possible.

Now the people against their own weight over the game plan and all other movements can be used without posljedica.Najgore it when I see someone trying to use the same game plan against everyone, and that includes the great man putting weight on the right top of the little guy. This indicates a serious lack of experience.

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