Monday, July 2, 2012

StarCraft 2 Terran Rush Strategies

provjerite da li ste je dobio 3 SCVs na plin kao što će vam trebati 100 plin za tvornicu nakon što su vojarne učinili. Graditi Svemirska Luka čim Tvornica se postaviti i izgraditi tehnološki laboratorij, a koja se gradi. Dodatni minerali bi trebao biti korišten za orbitalne zapovjedništva. Nakon Svemirska Luka je počeo trebali izgraditi Supply Depot. Podignite svoje tvornice i Svemirska Luka i zamijeniti dva tako Svemirska Luka mogu koristiti Tech laboratorij, čime štedite vrijeme, a ne izgradnju drugog Lab. Nakon što je prvi Banshee potpuno postavite rally točku na vašeg protivnika mineralne linije. Možete jednostavno uznemiravali svoje minerale rano na tom putu prije nego što vaš protivnik će vjerojatno imati bilo koji anti-zrak da bace na vas. Da bi se to jednostavno morate izviđač i opet to ne uzeti 6 minuta, tako da možete planirati za anti-zraka u skladu s tim. Izviđaštvo je bitno za reagiranje na bilo taktike vaš protivnik ide s, kako ga koristiti što je češće moguće.


The first of these Starcraft 2 Terran Rush strategy includes laborers. With the reapers, it is important to rush your enemy quickly and decisively before they have a chance to defend themselves. Scout your location with the SCV early. If you are on the map with only 2 spawn points then it is unnecessary, and you can just run with its Repeat after what he did. Build a barracks and supply depot near the ramp to wall off your base as you do not rush you'll want to have the defense of all counters.

to build a 9 - Barracks. Build a lab tech at the barracks when its done. 9 - Refinery. Save 75 minerals after the barracks to build refineries. Put 3 SVCS a refinery gas mining is done. 10 - Supply Depot. Make sure it is done before the Tech Lab is finished, so you can immediately start your first reaper.

Set the rally point barracks with his opponent in the database so that it will immediately go there. Hot key is your first Reaper quickly access it and do the same barracks for continuously producing units. Usually I'll wait til I have a 3-4 reapers before going in so they will not be able to counter. You can "Kite" with his reapers to give their speed, which means you can shoot enemy units like Zealots and then ran away and then come back to do it again as a Zealot is not fast enough to catch your repair. You can make short work of their workforce with more laborers, as well. As with any crowd, the faster you'll build a more effective and less willing to be your opponent will be.

of the next Starcraft 2 Terran Strategy for Rush mention a nuke rush that is more suited for mineral / source of the attack, but against armed units. They are not as strong as in the first game, so you can not bring down the entire database over, but it is great for causing economic damage. It is therefore important to go with the standard build killer and thanks to the authors by air or on the basis of build, so after you have inflicted economic damage they will be scrambling to fix it, then move in with his forces. Build 2 Ghost Academy have a constant stream of nuclear bombs and train skills while avoiding Ghost concealment units that can see cloaked units, so you can run your basic enemy undetected and sneak their mineral bank in the back.

The last of these Starcraft 2 Terran Rush is a strategy for getting a Banshee as quickly as possible, and if done correctly (after practice) can have one for less than 6 minutes, which is a big advantage, because your opponent is likely will be able to defend it and you should first determine your priorities, taking mineral line.

The last of these Starcraft 2 Terran Rush is a strategy for getting a Banshee as quickly as possible, and if done correctly (after practice) can have one for less than 6 minutes, which is a big advantage, because your opponent is likely will be able to defend it and you should first determine your priorities, taking mineral line.


to build is as follows:. 9 - Refinery, 10 - Barracks, 11 - Factory with Tech Lab, 11 - Orbital Command, 11 - Starport, 11 - Supply Depot


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