Sunday, October 16, 2011

Starcraft 2 Strategy For Zerg Vs Terran - Countering Marines and Marauders

Zerg players often hard against Terran army of Marines, Marauders and Medivacs. Zerg cockroaches and Hydralisks easily destroy the Marauders who supported and healed Medivacs. The Starcraft 2 strategy guide will show you how tough Marine, Marauder, Medivac combination that has found favor among the Terran players on Battle.Net can be effectively combated.

Starcraft 2 This strategy relies heavily on the most basic unit of Zerg players-Zergling and Baneling. Banelings quickly liquidate the Marines and Marauders while the speed of Zerglings will quickly close the gap with the Marauders and neutralize their range advantage. Right at the beginning of the game, focus on getting the Speed ​​Zerglings and ignore the cockroaches and Hydralisks. If your opponent to send reapers to attack you, speeds Zerglings will be able to beat them back.

In the meantime, pump Banelings. When your opponent sets his main army, send their Banelings. The strike of the largest group of Marauders and Marines view to maximize casualties. Use your Zerglings that faces what is left. This strategy, Starcraft 2 requires a little practice, but once it takes practice, it is a strategy that will rarely succeed. But stay alert for any signs of their opponents upgrade to Banshees. Upgrade your base as soon as possible and do Hydralisks and Corruptors to counter the Banshees.

There are several ways you can counter your enemy units in Starcraft 2 Each unit has its own perfect counter. You need to plan your strategy depending on how your enemy is expanding.

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