Sunday, September 11, 2011

Slavery Of Bondage

It is inhuman to keep a person in bondage?
Can we avoid this by just saying that the practice of age?
Is it a blessing from God, that you were provided an opportunity?
Would it not be the most difficult problem with your side and last chance?

This is sheer madness to make human beings under the chain
Why not allow them to mingle with their brethren to remain?
Who would not be able to read the agony and the situation in their eyes?
Will it be considered a prestigious position, if you have been slaves?

This is the product of sick mind with total disregard for the almighty
What do you do to someone under the yoke is easy to damage?
Is it a curse or shame to the birth of a human being?
Is it the sole powerful, rich and powerful kings?

When you see the eyes of animals trying to see us hope?
The neck is a deep wound, and all the flies attack only when they are tied to ropes
As we can see a man holding a place under the customs?
Is it blind faith, malign intent or racial composition?

We are committed to slavery on the basis or race, skin color and poverty
We considered them inferior or property from the spoils
That is a total misconception and jungle rule in mind
It is considered a status symbol without parrerels find

It is against natural law of justice and condemn
The voice should be raised, a system should be damned
Where millions of food they want to die in captivity
How can we talk about justice or an act of courage /

I want to perish along with millions of unfortunate souls
May they not have an idea or feel the game violations
They can accept it as fate or just sheer destiny
Happiness can sometimes get them very very late

bondage mushrooms from ignorance and poverty
They are still suffering under the rule of the powerful
They are made to suffer under the yoke of slavery
It is not only inhumane, but beautiful and cruel joke

Men have always tried to undermine the authority of God
I tried to play the various games and committed fraud
It is not confined to one region, race or continent
This must be reduced to a total pleasure

My head bows in shame for all those who still suffer
We May have different ideas on how to tackle the different
But this is outrageous acts and should not be faced
It is His will that all backup with honor and characterized

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