Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Order Up! - A Free Bible Activity For Your Elementary Children

Knowing the order of different stories in the Bible should not be a seminary for academics. Our children should be getting a handle on the Word of God, and amazing. Try this fun and free activities of the Bible to teach their children to a story in the Bible. I call it "The Red !"

Here's what you do:

Here's what you do:


Here's what you do:


Tell your children the following: the Bible history is very important. It helps us know God. In fact, history is his story. God is the beginning and end of life on earth, and every one of us plays ulogu.Ljudi in the Bible are just as important as what we have and it is crucial that we know what happened in the Bible, and when. So, let's play "The Red !"

First, let's divide the class into two teams. I'll put the 4 files of various biblical stories down on the table. They are not going to be fine. This will be your team's job to put them in order. For every story that you place in the correct order, your team will earn 100 points. With each set of stories, I will help you to start by asking you more choice questions. If you do it right, you will automatically earn 100 points for his team, and then you get to choose one of the other stories pictures and put them in their right order. It will be up to you to make a good guess at what the other 3 stories belong in. However, every hit could be your last. Once you make a wrong guess, the player who is guessing will have to sit down. I will reveal the exact sequence of the story. Then it will be the next team into a new collection of stories. Remember, for every story that is accurate, you can earn 100 points for his team. Let's play!

Place the first set of four pictures on the table along with the serial numbers on the side. Having a child of the first team came up and ask them to question # 1 from the list below. I have made ​​the questions easy to answer, so that children are rewarded with some instant success. If the child answers correctly, put a picture of the issues in the correct ordinal position. He now gets to choose a picture from the remaining 3 and make a guess at which point ordinal should go. With each success, he earns 100 points.

Below you will find 12 sets of Bible stories with multiple choice questions.

Sets the Bible story

1 1st - Create, 2 - Adam and Eve to disobey God, 3 - Cain and Abel, 4 - Noah's Ark

1 1st - Create, 2 - Adam and Eve to disobey God, 3 - Cain and Abel, 4 - Noah's Ark


3 1st - Isaac married Rebekah, 2 - Jacob Tricks Esau, 3 - Jacob dreams of Angels, 4 - Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

3 1st - Isaac married Rebekah, 2 - Jacob Tricks Esau, 3 - Jacob dreams of Angels, 4 - Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel


5 1st - The Israelites were made ​​slaves in Egypt, the second - Pharaoh's daughter found Moses, 3 - Moses meets God in the burning bush, 4 - 10 plagues in Egypt

6 1st - The Israelites Leave Egypt, 2 - The Israelites cross the Red Sea, 3 - Israelis are fed with manna and quails, 4 - The Israelites were given the 10 Commandments

7 1st - Moses With regard to the 10 Commandments, 2 - Make a Golden Calf of Israel, 3 - God brings water from the Rock, 4 - The Israelites complained to God

8 1st - Joshua and Caleb Explore Canaan, 2 - The walls of Jericho collapsed, 3 - Gideon fighting the Midianites, 4 - Samson and Delilah

9 1st - Naomi and Ruth, the other - God calls Samuel, 3 - Saul was made ​​king, 4 - Samuel anoints David as king of

10 1st - David and Goliath, 2 - David and Jonathan, the third - the wisdom of Solomon asks, 4 - Solomon builds the temple of

11 1st - Elijah Fed by the Ravens, 2 - Widow of Zarephath, 3 - Elijah on Mount Caramel, 4 - Elijah taken up into heaven

12 1st - Jonah and the whale, the second - three boys in the fiery furnace, 3 - Esther becomes queen, 4 - Nehemiah restored the temple of

12 issues

1 If you have a brother or sister you are probably struggling. Unfortunately, the fighting has been around since the beginning of time Adam and Eve had two sons who have had some problems. One of the sons became very jealous of his brother, and even killed him!

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. David and Jonathan

B. Cain and Abel

C. Tweede Tweede Dum and Dee

2 I know it sounds crazy, but it is actually a true story about people who thought they could build a tower to heaven! God was not happy about this venture and proud because everyone is a second language. It was a lot of babbling going on!

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A Tower of Babel

B. Eiffel Tower

C. Solomon's Temple

3 What would you do if after the wedding, you know you married the wrong person? Well believe it or not, it happened to Jacob. He was deceived, and therefore ended up married to two women!

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Jacob married Lucy and Ethel

B. Jacob married Sarah and Hagar

C. Jacob married Leah and Rachel

4 Did you ever receive something really special from one of your parents? Boy in this story is not the Bible. It was a beautiful coat made ​​especially for him. Hmm ... I wonder if his brother got jealous?

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Moses and 10 Commandments

B. Joseph and his coat of many colors

C. David and his Sling Shot

5 Cows dying! Blood soaked with water and swarms of locusts! No, this is not the latest Scary Movie. It is plagures God brought on Egypt. I do not know about you, but I'm glad I was there! How about you?

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A.10 plagues of Egypt

B. The 10 Commandments

C 10 Little Indians

6 Slavery was horrible! The Israelis know that it is very true. For years and years they prayed to God to deliver them from Egypt and eventually one day it happened. Through Moses;. Obedience to God's children have finally left Egypt

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Abraham goes to the promised land

B. The Israelites leave Egypt

C. The animals leave Noah's Ark

7 While Moses was getting the 10 Commandments from God, the Israelites were breaking the first and second laws - thou shalt have no other gods before me, and that will not make for yourself an idol. But there had been creating in the desert and worship a golden calf. TSK, TSK, TSK ...

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Israelis Make Hamburgers

B. The Israelites complained to God

C. Israelis Make a Golden Calf

8 Do you think it is possible for a very, very small military victory over a really big army? That is, if God is in charge. In this story, Gideon trusted God as he and his little army fought against the Midianites.

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

fighting the Midianites Gideon A.

B. David fighting Goliath

C. Daniel Fighting Lions

9.Svećenik Samuel got a very important job to do. He got the honor of anointing the next king of Israel. But Samuel was surprised that God chose the youngest of 12 brothers and be the king. But God knew what he was doing!

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Solomon is anointed king of Israel

B. David was anointed king of Israel

C. Bugs Bunny was anointed king of Israel

10 Have you ever had a best friend? You know, someone you can trust and tell all your secrets in. David had a best friend. His name is Jonathan and David, helped save his life.

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. David fighting Goliath

B. David, the lion's den

C. David and Jonathan are friends

11 Did you know that there is a Bible story about a man who never died? It's true! He went straight to heaven without dying. In fact, this man was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire.

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Elijah taken to heaven

B. Joseph taken to prison

C. Elijah taken to Mount Caramel

12 I do not know about you, but I always thought that the Bible is the story of a little "fishy". But then again, if you were stuck inside the whale, it would be very suspicious and smelly too!

What does the Bible stories I'm talking about?

A. Moby Dick

and B. Jonah Kit

C. The Little Mermaid

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