Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Starcraft 2 Protoss Immortal Guide - Effective Strategies, Build Orders and Counters for Immortal

Do you want to learn how to properly use the Protoss Immortal in Starcraft 2? So if you want to know how to properly use the Immortal dominate their opponents, here are a few things you might want to know.

Strategy Protoss Immortal

This device is classified as heavy artillery in Starcraft 2 They are big, bulky and very protected, making it very difficult goal to get down. They even deal bonus damage to shielded enemies, such as cockroaches, stalkers and Siege Tanks.

To effectively use them, what do you want to focus their fire attack on buildings. They are slow but very powerful attack that can effectively raze the building within seconds. One downside is that because they are so big, they are usually very targeted enemies. So always have a small army to protect this beast.

Immortal Protoss Build Order

To begin with, focus on pumping a lot of the probe. When the supply reaches the 9 / 10 to build a pylon. When you get to 12/18 deals, start building your first Cybernetics Core. Keep in mind that never cease pumping transducer. They are a source of economic growth.

Now that you've reached the 13/18 offer, start collecting some Vespene gas. When Cybernetics Core is completed, the upgrade of the Robotics Facility, and then get a Twilight Council.

Protoss Immortal Rush

Even with a small army of zealots and head towards the enemy base once you've completed the above build order. Start attacking your enemy buildings while your Zealot helps take care of small battles going on. Try to get as many buildings as you can during this rogoz.Više, better and after that should be in a position to take control of the game.

Protoss Immortal Counter

of each unit in Starcraft 2 has a weakness. What do you want to avoid fighting a small group of militia who have high-speed attacks, such as Zergling, Zealot and Marines. If properly protected, do not go into battle alone with the unit quickly.

Want to know exactly how Diamond ranking players use this unit to dominate your opponents every time?

Learn the secret strategy of the Immortal Shokz Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide

If you want to learn exactly how the Diamond rank players use this unit to dominate your enemies with secret strategy, it is highly recommended that you use Shokz Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide.

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