Sunday, November 27, 2011

Starcraft 2 Guide - The Zergling Rush - An Easy Way to Get Fast Wins

Zergling rush is one of the easiest and most effective strategy for Starcraft 2. It works best when playing against Protoss or Zerg opponent, and Teran players can easily wall of your base, denying entry to your Zerglings. There are several ways you can do the Zergling žuriti.Prvi is the "6 / 10" rush, when a player can not build any new drones to start and go straight for the Spawning Pool. It is effective in 1v1 game and is incredibly easy to make.

Just send them to your homepage drones to harvest minerals and build a Spawning Pool with one of them as soon as you have 200 minerals. Although this building you can get a drone or two and supreme. However, as soon as the Spawning Pool finishes, you will want to have 3 larvae ready to make 6 Zerglings s.

As soon as you get Zerglings, please send them to the enemy base.

big downside to this approach is that if you fail, you will be at a significant disadvantage. At minimum, it is necessary to plan the killing of most of the enemy unit employees. With this strategy, and putting all your proverbial eggs in the same basket, and if that fails, you will not win


can find a Zergling rush to be most effective in 2 vs 2 play with Zerg partner. When playing solo, your 6-8 Zerglings can easily be overwhelmed by a Zealot and a large group of probes. However, 12-14 Zerglings easily beat opponents base before their partner can help them.

When you play with a partner (or 1 in 1), like the spawning pool on 9 / 10 material. After that, build Overlord and work on producing a few drones. As soon as your spawning pool is available, you will want to produce 8 Zerglings and queen at the base.

Queen is useful because it can allow you to easily produce more Zerglings with their Spawn Larva ability. In contrast to the 6 / 10 rush, 9 / 10 rush to the time for you to send more than Zerglings in the initial wave. Your initial wave is likely to cripple the opponent and the second wave is usually what they end s.

As you produce your first set of Zerglings, you will want to get an extractor and begin to harvest the gas. As soon as possible, get a speed upgrade for Zerglings. This will help your second wave to the enemy base faster and will make them much more effective compared to ranged units like the Marines.

When you play with your partner, make every 6-8 Zerglings and send them the Protoss or Zerg base. As they attack, make sure your use your new Queen to Spawn Larva. As soon as the larvae hatch, make up another 12 Zerglings piece. In addition, research to increase the speed.

This second wave of 2 dozen Zerglings improved speed is almost a sure-fire way to our enemy in no time. Just remember that it is not nearly as effective against Terran, a walled-off base and moving early Terran units are very hard to hit with 9 / 10 rush. Versus Terran player, I recommend expanding early, and Terran race starts rather slowly and will not be able to quickly rush to the Zerg player.

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