Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Your Brand Name M-O-M Approved?

Tako da ga imate. Kada se s obzirom novi brand imena, uvijek provjeriti i vidjeti ako MOM odobrava po vašem izboru. Kao čeznuti kao tvoj izbor najboljih je lako pamtljiva, on-cilj i smislen, možete biti sigurni da imate pobjednika. Hvala MOM!

mom is easy to remember acronym that stands for a memorable, on-target and make sense. As a professional consultant appointment, I found that these three characteristics that determine whether the name will be in effect.

M for a memorable

the best brand names are instantly memorable. You can hear them once and never forget them. Names like Google, Yahoo and Altoids all have something that make them memorable.

Part of what makes them memorable is the fact that the words themselves unusual, distinctive look and feel. Some might say it even looks kind of weird - but in a good way


The other thing that makes them memorable is that they are fun and easy to say. Try it yourself. Google. Goooooogle. Let's face it, a cool-sounding name as it is more likely to stick in your memory bank, but something safe and smart like SearchPro or Webguide.

Therefore, given its new name memorability test. Does it look and / or sound unique? If so, it will probably be easy to remember.

About to on-goal

Even the most memorable name will not be effective if it does not appeal to your target audience. To ensure that this happens, it is imperative that you create a name for your new product accurately reflects the brand positioning.

brand "positioning" is just another term for an image or personality that you want your product to the project. Apple Computer is the positioning of the hip and friendly. Microsoft is smart and efficient. It's no big revelation that Mac owners are often creative types and PC users are more likely to be more practical, business types.

So ask yourself: Is your new name reinforce their brand positioning? Does it look and feel like you belong with the product behind the name? Most importantly, if you want to attract customers?

If the answer is yes to these three questions, then you can be sure that the name of the target.

M for meaningful

Studies show that if a brand name makes sense - to communicate a key feature or benefit -. It will be more effective

descriptive names such as MapQuest and scrubbing bubbles are good examples of names that convey a clear, easily understandable meaning.

This does not mean that your name is to explain everything about what makes the product. However, it should allude to something fundamentally important or interesting about the brand.

Take the hugely popular Wii, for example. Pronounced "we," the name of a friendly, "for everyone" positioning. This is a Wii game everyone can enjoy.

So take a closer look at the roster of finalists. Make sure you choose will hold special meaning for the target audience.

Thank you MOM!

Thank you MOM!


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