Monday, November 14, 2011

Easy Starcraft 2 Terran MMM Ball Guide - Best Way to Do This SC2 Shokz Strategy Vs Protoss & Zerg

U MMM napadu, marinci i Marauders su ispred linijski brodovi, a Medivacs boravka u leđa. Kad oni koriste svoje posebne vještine kao što su Stim paket, oni gube neke svoje zdravlje.Dobra stvar o tome je da uz pomoć iscjelitelja, oni mogu regenerirati zdravlje svojih suboraca kad njihovo zdravlje je u opasnosti.


Terran races improved in Starcraft 2 They have become stronger, more capable and well balanced, unlike Starcraft 1, where the weak točke.Ljudska race has many techniques that could make offensive attacks and brane.Najučinkovitija strategy to make both the ball Terran MMM strategy.


Terran races improved in Starcraft 2 They have become stronger, more capable and well balanced, unlike Starcraft 1, where the weak točke.Ljudska race has many techniques that could make offensive attacks and brane.Najučinkovitija strategy to make both the ball Terran MMM strategy.


Terran races improved in Starcraft 2 They have become stronger, more capable and well balanced, unlike Starcraft 1, where the weak točke.Ljudska race has many techniques that could make offensive attacks and brane.Najučinkovitija strategy to make both the ball Terran MMM strategy.


Terran races improved in Starcraft 2 They have become stronger, more capable and well balanced, unlike Starcraft 1, where the weak točke.Ljudska race has many techniques that could make offensive attacks and brane.Najučinkovitija strategy to make both the ball Terran MMM strategy.


Terran races improved in Starcraft 2 They have become stronger, more capable and well balanced, unlike Starcraft 1, where the weak točke.Ljudska race has many techniques that could make offensive attacks and brane.Najučinkovitija strategy to make both the ball Terran MMM strategy.


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