Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Capitalism: The Game

Ah capitalism, and his best friend and worst enemy of hardcore players. Without it, the weight of the game will be sadly short triple titles like halo, call of duty, and Elder Scrolls world.

Gaming is a business like any other and as such, is bound by the same rules that govern all businesses ... income and expenses. Money is an important aspect of game development, but considering that games are becoming more and more expensive to produce, the importance of a game developer selling well is a big thing too. This works also for us players, because the developers take their time, usually, as the best game we can reap the benefits. We got a great concession to produce games that move more sales than any other entertainment media. We have received tremendous attention after the sale to download content and updates, and publishers kiss our asses back to us for the next game. Capitalism is a good game.

Wait, why, then, that my summer spent doing things outdoors? Fresh air reminds me that I clearly must have nothing else to do. Where are all my badass game? As soon as the time improving our game, and dried. Capitalism does not care if you exercise. Capitalism is not withholding their games for their own good. And there you have it, just an awesome force that gives you the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, sack taps you and laugh in the face. Capitalism knows that the best time to make money during the holidays.

So we are forced to wade through the summer of IV drip and a mediocre game, waiting for the holidays when we all know that is a very good game will release in droves. Unfortunately, the money issue for us too, and most of us were totally blindsided all games hot dog and the fact that we can not get everything we want. Now, it is important that people are less concerned about their game hobby but for the hardcore fanatic, this can be incredibly frustrating. We have been abandoned.

the same force that gives us a Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare also gives us a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ... Call of Duty: Black Ops ... Call of Duty: Modern Warfare third .. Call of Duty 358 / 2 Days (Good to the last is false). Suddenly, creativity takes a back seat to profits. Risky projects that could be amazing games are shown at the bottom of the priority list because they do not look like games that are selling well right now. Fresh games for the green light often are pressured to release faster than Triple things and vision would be realized in three months it becomes bargain bin fodder. Creativity is stifled, and the game was jilted again.

There is no doubt that the players and capitalism are very tense and complicated relationship. We love and hate each other. We win some battles and we lose some battles. But through it all, one thing seems to be constant, capitalism is always better K / D ratio. This is a game we play. The Curse of Capitalism, hurt so good.

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