Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Burn Your Xbox 360 Games and Save Them From Destruction

days, where you can open your Xbox and make some changes in order to rewiring and install different types of chips, and then begin to copy your favorite games, more.

Because if you try to open an account or use an existing account on Xbox Live, it's just a matter of time before you will get banned from the network for the entire život.Gaming industry, including Microsoft no tolerance what so ever for any game copy on Xbox Live.

In addition, you can put your Xbox console to a high risk of burn through it changes. And no free repairs on any console you are trying to change.

Unfortunately, this rules out Xbox Live and order policies to put our game in a bad situation, because none of us want to lose our favorite games, especially since we know that it is impossible to get a new copy of the game or at least get our money back if anything happens to the DVD games are stored on.

good luck there is good news for us gamers. There is a software solution to the problem, a new game burning software that manage to create an exact copy of your favorite 1:01 game, and even rewrite the software codes that might be hidden on the DVD.

This means that you can actually burn your favorite Xbox 360 games and store originals in the tray.

One thing I like to do is create an ISO of the original game, then save it to my hard disk, so you'll always have easy access to your favorite games and can burn a new copy each time the previous DVD does not work anymore.

You just have to make sure you use a real DVD format is DVD-9 for the Xbox 360 game, then burn game software takes care of the rest.

1 comment:

  1. great information for game lovers.. I prefer to read this type of stuff...I love to play video games..now I can save my games from destruction...thank you very much..:)

    xbox 360 game burning software
