Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best Terran Counters to Dark Templars - Shokz Starcraft 2 How to Counter Dark Templar

Drugi način da se bave s njima pomoću EMP kruga Terran Svetoga.EMP Okrugli ne samo njih otkriva, ali i uklanja njihovu štit. Uz njihovu štitove dolje, bilo koje postrojbe Terran možete napraviti kratki rad ih napadaju.Ghost je Plan upravljanja okolišem je također prostor-of-učinak napada. To znači da to može utjecati na više jedinica u određenom području što je vrlo korisno, ne samo kao tamna templara zastrašuje ali i kao zastrašujući za većinu drugih Protoss jedinica budući da se uvelike oslanjaju na štit.


Drugi način da se bave s njima pomoću EMP kruga Terran Svetoga.EMP Okrugli ne samo njih otkriva, ali i uklanja njihovu štit. Uz njihovu štitove dolje, bilo koje postrojbe Terran možete napraviti kratki rad ih napadaju.Ghost je Plan upravljanja okolišem je također prostor-of-učinak napada. To znači da to može utjecati na više jedinica u određenom području što je vrlo korisno, ne samo kao tamna templara zastrašuje ali i kao zastrašujući za većinu drugih Protoss jedinica budući da se uvelike oslanjaju na štit.


jedan na jedan, oni nisu stvarno tako teško. Ako sumnjate da ovaj napad Templara, možete jednostavno koristiti skeniranje iz Orbitalna Naredba otkriti jedinicu. Pripremite se da se presele u napadu jedinica brzo, iako kao skeniranje učinak obično završava prilično brzo.


However, the best way to deal with them to get rid of them, while on the way to your base. For this, you should definitely have a Raven flying around. Terran ravens are good for scouting the map, but even better to discover the hidden enemy units. So some of them buzzing around. However, the Ravens do not have attack capabilities, so you will still have to allocate some of the attackers. Dark Templars are melee fighters and the least painful way to kill them is to send some of the air ground attacker against them. Be careful, this strategy is only viable if it can not be anti-air units travel to the dark templar.

Another way to deal with them using a Terran EMP Svetoga.EMP circle round them, not only detects but also removes their shield. With their shields down, any unit of the Terran can make short work of them napadaju.Ghost the EMP is also a space-of-effect attacks. This means that it can affect multiple units in a particular area which is very useful, not only as a dark templar deterrent but also as a deterrent for most other Protoss units since they rely heavily on the shield.

Another way to deal with them using a Terran EMP Svetoga.EMP circle round them, not only detects but also removes their shield. With their shields down, any unit of the Terran can make short work of them napadaju.Ghost the EMP is also a space-of-effect attacks. This means that it can affect multiple units in a particular area which is very useful, not only as a dark templar deterrent but also as a deterrent for most other Protoss units since they rely heavily on the shield.


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