Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kinect Games Released January - June 2011

Beginning in February 2011, we have brain and body connection that includes 20 mini-games designed to test the player's mathematical skills, memory, reflexes and other skills.

Dance Paradise is a new dance game based on tempo and music, offers fun and challenges for everyone, from beginner to dancing queens and kings.

new dance game based on tempo and music, offers fun and challenges for everyone, from beginners to advanced dancers, as well as opportunities for people to watch the original video clips of songs playing in the background.

Brunswick Bowling finally everyone can play a bowling game because it has a level for everyone. There is a competition, exhibition and skin the way so that everyone can compete against each other. This is a specific kinect Brunswick bowling game.

Then, in March 2011 Yoostar2 was released, and this game brings the magic and fun of Hollywood to your living room. Yoostar2 is a fantastic party game that will appeal to both hardcore and casual gamers. Yoostar2 comes with 50 scenes, 10 color sets and 20 video backgrounds, with hundreds more scenes available for purchase and download in online stores.

Fantastic Pets is a good looking kinect games for kids. You can start with a cat, dog, horse, and lizards that can change into different creatures like unicorns and dragons. Using Kinect controller to control your movements and your voice commands to change their environment.

Then, in April, Mich. AEL Jackson - Experience has plenty of memorable hits, which are able to capture motion Kinect system and microphone functionality allow you to dance and sing to, just like Michael did.

is really hard to get the dance moves in the wrong and kinect captures your movements and clothing to reflect the current on-screen avatars.

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