Thursday, November 17, 2011

Terran Strategies for Starcraft 2 - Ghost Rush Nuke

- Sensor towers are able to discover the enemy in the fog of war
- Can I build a structure anywhere
- Able to repair vehicles and buildings
- Can detect and invisibility cloaking
- Very mobile
- Can you get their supply of underground storage
- Good defense
- Buildings can pick up from the earth
- Medivacs can treat and transport units
- Very maneuverable reapers who can cross any terrain
- Strong nuclear warheads
- Very strong skills and armored siege

- Bunker can drain the resources and man power, regardless of the provision of good defense
- Buildings have a burn to the ground if low health
- Be ready to get to micromanage units

Rush Ghost Nuke
Nuclear bomb in StarCraft 2 are easier to obtain, but they are not as strong as they were in the first StarCraft. Keep in mind when you are carrying out the spirit of rush nuke, that is your object NOT destroy your opponent with a nuclear bomb, but instead want to destroy their economy so that the regular army has a better chance of them winning .

You will need a fairly good-sized army in preparing your spirit rush nuke attack, therefore, use the standard build Marauders of Authors and containers or in the air based on the build. So you can have more nuclear bombs, you'll need to create more spirit Academy (2 or more). Each academy is only allowed to carry a nuke. Before training your first nuke, you will need to train the skill Spirit Robe first. This is crucial, because your spirit can be killed easily if it is not wrapped. We also train the extra energy of the spirit, if you have any additional resources.

As already mentioned the goal rush spirit of the collapse of its economy, opponents Therefore, you'll want to try to sneak in the back of the base undetected with the spirits. You'll avoid all that is capable of detecting cloaked units such as a supervisor, turrets and guns Photo. With nuclear bombs can not effectively use them if your enemy is outside your web site. In some cases, you May find yourself in this situation, depending on the map you play. If this happens use the Orbital Command and scanning area and fast nerve impulses nuke. You'll lose sight of the scan, but since you have already set a goal for the nuke will still reach its target. If pulled off correctly rush spirit nuke might be a more effective strategy for Terran Starcraft 2

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