Friday, November 18, 2011

PC Sniper Games

Do you like sniper games? It's okay to admit you are among friends here. See sniper games are one of the players little secrets. Society tells you that the sniper is dirty and underhanded way to conduct yourself in a fight, but it all goes on the battlefield. You can do what needs to be done to succeed and if that means laying in wait to ambush your enemy, then so be it.

In the online game players do not like sniper tactics, arguing that "camp" as it is often called is somehow unfair. Certainly up to the individual players that have decided to play the game, or fight a war? The modern battlefield the games are almost exclusively focused on small team tactics, and that is fine as far as it goes. This is only a small unit tactics should also be extended to the sniper and observer teams, not just 4 or 8-man team, with some bully carries an automatic rifle team support. No, let's make things a little finesse.

Since the term "one shot. One kill." popularized by some players are drawn to games that give them the opportunity to emulate this philosophy in a virtual battlefield. This stands in sharp contrast to the historic battlefields such as Vietnam, where the estimated number of rounds fired by the enemy were killed in numbers several thousand. No, it is not our way. Our time requires patience and precision, rather than not spending enough fights to remake Liberty Bell.

Luckily, the game designers are beginning to appreciate the world of sniper. Artificial intelligence is such that it is possible that the NPC observer who would not have seen and killed, and not drift to fire away on full auto as soon as you have observed. One of the PC game, due for release later this year, which should put the recent progress in the action of the Sniper: Ghost Warrior. It promises a real shot of physics and much more. I almost feel like I need to reach for my ghillie suit and a camp to wait for the release ... almost!

2010 may signal a new type of military games for PC and other platforms. It all depends on the success or failure of a new game. If the roaring success then there is no doubt another game designer homes, will make its release in time and the world of sniper games on the PC will flourish. Lets hope it does.

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